Egyptian olive, Why?

Most scientists have agreed upon one thing that the olive tree origin place is Middle East. Its cultivation in Egypt goes back to the pharaoh’s era (1800 B.C), Olives have been considered as one of the most important fruits since pharaohs days who took from the olive tree branch a symbol for peace. It is cultivated in most governorates individually or with other crops.

The best area for olive tree cultivation is the Mediterranean basin area which has rainy winter and dry hot summer. Olive trees don’t bear fruits commercially unless exposed to a sufficient amount of coldness at winter to push trees towards bolting. Olive trees cultivation succeeds in lands that contain a high percentage of calcium carbonate and this feature is found in Egyptian lands.

Egypt has been familiar with olive production, and recently Egypt got ranked the third between the top olive producing countries worldwide after EU and Argentina, By the following production (Year 2013):

Area within the valley:
Total area: 93.457 feddans
Fruitful area: 59.834 feddans
Production amount : 249.592 tons

Area outside the valley:
Total area: 147.001 feddans
Fruitful area: 87.098 feddans
Production amount : 292.198 tons